Covid-19 Response
Every single one of us, every person in our community have endured a lot in the last couple years in regards to COVID-19.
We sincerely hope you and your loved ones are healthy, hopeful, and hanging in there, as best you can. If there is something we can do to help you, please let us know.
This is what we know as we move forward:
We know MCYC is a great place to bring your child, church, or organization to get reacquainted and reconnect in the great outdoors. We all need to unplug. To get away from our screens. To get outside. To go for a hike. To breathe fresh air. To sing together. To roast a marshmallow over a campfire. To gaze at the full moon on a clear night. To catch a fish. To laugh with our group. To dip a canoe paddle in the water and glide across the lake. To worship together on wooden benches in the woods. To savor some cinnamon rolls. To ride a horse. To reset. Recharge. Refresh. Renew. Ourselves. Our spirits. Our relationships. Now more than ever!!
What about Summer Camp?
At this time, we are planning all of our summer camp programs, retreats, and also our day camps.
We understand families will need to make their own best decisions as you move forward. At this time we are expecting a return to camp events like we had in 2019 and before. We have learned a lot of 'behind the scenes' things to make better. How we clean, what we clean with and also personal hygiene items that we will use teach and train our staff. A couple basic things we will keep doing:
- We will continue an outdoor registration process. You will drive-thru and be directed to your campers dorm space for summer camp.
- Head to toe sleeping will still be recommended by the CDC, American Camping Association (ACA), and our local health department in Lapeer county, Michigan.
- We will not have any masking requirements. Should you or your camper choose to wear a mask, that is great.
Registration/Drop Off Day:
- We will continue having a drive-thru registration process
- We may add a meet and greet for parents to meet camp directors or a place to gather and renew friendships with other parents or old friends.
Through the Week:
- We will NOT allow any visitors to the campus during the week. This means adults that are permitted to 'visit' your camper will not be allowed to visit as some have done in the past.
- We will NOT allow campers to leave and come back for activities or family outings through the week.
- We will be maintaining all bathrooms through the week with contact surface cleaning and rooms in the same manner.
- All common areas will be cleaned and sanitized after each use. Paying particular attention to high touch areas.
- While doing our normal extensive cleaning at the end of the week, each sleeping room, common area, and bathroom will be fogged with a sanitizing spray to cover all areas. Particular attention will be made to each mattress and common space where campers sleep.
- All sleeping rooms and common space have had upgraded air filters put in the ventilation. Each filter will be at least MERV 13 rated or above.
- Fans have been purchased for our main lodge to allow better circulation of the air.
What Can I Do To Help Right Now?
Hold MCYC Staff and Board of Directors in prayer. We are always grateful for your prayers, especially now. Pray for our world. Pray for those who have been affected by the virus, particularly those who are sick. Pray for the first responders and healthcare heroes who are selflessly caring for those who have fallen ill.
If you are certain enough in your personal financial situation and can make a gift to MCYC at this time, please do, because “Camp” is an expression of our humanity. Bringing people together to build community is important now, and will be even more important on the other side of the curve. With your help, together we can make MCYC stronger for the future for those who need it most. You can do so at
Spread the Word
If others ask you about MCYC or how they can help, please share this update with them. Point them to the COVID-19 page on our website. Like and share the posts you'll find on the MCYC Facebook or Instagram page. Share the above suggestions.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly at 810-664-8040 or [email protected].
Beginning April 1 our office hours will be 10 - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday and Friday from 12 - 5 p.m. Please allow us to 48 - 72 hours to return a phone call as our administrative staff are working remotely to help conserve fuel due to gas prices and others may be out on the camp taking care of the facility.
Be Well,
Kevin O’Sullivan
Executive Director
We sincerely hope you and your loved ones are healthy, hopeful, and hanging in there, as best you can. If there is something we can do to help you, please let us know.
This is what we know as we move forward:
We know MCYC is a great place to bring your child, church, or organization to get reacquainted and reconnect in the great outdoors. We all need to unplug. To get away from our screens. To get outside. To go for a hike. To breathe fresh air. To sing together. To roast a marshmallow over a campfire. To gaze at the full moon on a clear night. To catch a fish. To laugh with our group. To dip a canoe paddle in the water and glide across the lake. To worship together on wooden benches in the woods. To savor some cinnamon rolls. To ride a horse. To reset. Recharge. Refresh. Renew. Ourselves. Our spirits. Our relationships. Now more than ever!!
What about Summer Camp?
At this time, we are planning all of our summer camp programs, retreats, and also our day camps.
We understand families will need to make their own best decisions as you move forward. At this time we are expecting a return to camp events like we had in 2019 and before. We have learned a lot of 'behind the scenes' things to make better. How we clean, what we clean with and also personal hygiene items that we will use teach and train our staff. A couple basic things we will keep doing:
- We will continue an outdoor registration process. You will drive-thru and be directed to your campers dorm space for summer camp.
- Head to toe sleeping will still be recommended by the CDC, American Camping Association (ACA), and our local health department in Lapeer county, Michigan.
- We will not have any masking requirements. Should you or your camper choose to wear a mask, that is great.
Registration/Drop Off Day:
- We will continue having a drive-thru registration process
- We may add a meet and greet for parents to meet camp directors or a place to gather and renew friendships with other parents or old friends.
Through the Week:
- We will NOT allow any visitors to the campus during the week. This means adults that are permitted to 'visit' your camper will not be allowed to visit as some have done in the past.
- We will NOT allow campers to leave and come back for activities or family outings through the week.
- We will be maintaining all bathrooms through the week with contact surface cleaning and rooms in the same manner.
- All common areas will be cleaned and sanitized after each use. Paying particular attention to high touch areas.
- While doing our normal extensive cleaning at the end of the week, each sleeping room, common area, and bathroom will be fogged with a sanitizing spray to cover all areas. Particular attention will be made to each mattress and common space where campers sleep.
- All sleeping rooms and common space have had upgraded air filters put in the ventilation. Each filter will be at least MERV 13 rated or above.
- Fans have been purchased for our main lodge to allow better circulation of the air.
What Can I Do To Help Right Now?
Hold MCYC Staff and Board of Directors in prayer. We are always grateful for your prayers, especially now. Pray for our world. Pray for those who have been affected by the virus, particularly those who are sick. Pray for the first responders and healthcare heroes who are selflessly caring for those who have fallen ill.
If you are certain enough in your personal financial situation and can make a gift to MCYC at this time, please do, because “Camp” is an expression of our humanity. Bringing people together to build community is important now, and will be even more important on the other side of the curve. With your help, together we can make MCYC stronger for the future for those who need it most. You can do so at
Spread the Word
If others ask you about MCYC or how they can help, please share this update with them. Point them to the COVID-19 page on our website. Like and share the posts you'll find on the MCYC Facebook or Instagram page. Share the above suggestions.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly at 810-664-8040 or [email protected].
Beginning April 1 our office hours will be 10 - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday and Friday from 12 - 5 p.m. Please allow us to 48 - 72 hours to return a phone call as our administrative staff are working remotely to help conserve fuel due to gas prices and others may be out on the camp taking care of the facility.
Be Well,
Kevin O’Sullivan
Executive Director